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Posts Tagged ' storm damage'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with ' storm damage'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Is it Possible for Winter Weather to Damage Your Roof?

Minnesota winters are unforgiving. It doesn’t take long for the temperature to plummet and the precipitation to arrive. Once the weather conditions set in, they go to work on your roof and wreak havoc on all the components. If you neglect to call Intelligent Design to inspect or maintain your residential or commercial roof, you could be looking at significant repairs and or an expensive roof replacement. Below, we explore all the ways that freezing weather can damage your roof. If you need repairs right away, contact our roofing company. We can help.

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Roofing and Restoration

Roofing isn't always a part of damage restoration, but it often is when a storm is the cause of the damage or when a disaster situation causes extended damage which in turn compromises the structural integrity of a roof. Ideally, a company you hire for restoration services will be able to handle the entire job both on the interior and exterior of your home rather than having different contractors conduct different aspects of each repair.

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Recovering After Hail Damage: A Guide

Hail damage can happen quickly, and you’ll need a licensed contractor to alleviate all damages. Until you call, however, you can fix the damage yourself. That said, you’ll need to check the “damage hot spots” normally birthed from a long hail storm. Before contacting your roofing company, check out the post-storm guide below. Be safe, be careful and remedy any post-hail damage in these areas:

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Remodeling and Restoration Definitions and Differences

If you've ever had the misfortune of needing restoration work or the excitement of having home renovations conducted, you may have wondered exactly what is the difference between the two. The same contractor generally can do either as the jobs seem similar and require the same talents and tools, but they're generally referred to using different terminology. There are, however, some nuances between types of contract work.

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Damage Repair for Your Home

As much time and effort as you put into taking care of your home as a comfortable space for your family on a daily basis and to maintain a welcoming invitation for friends and guests, there are occasions in which situations outside of your control can cause damage which has to be repaired. Whether the damage your home suffers is minor or entails major renovations as repairs, an experienced contractor can guide you through the process of home repair with the minimum of worries until your house is like new again.

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Do You Need a New Roof?

One of the most important components of your home is your roof. Your roof protects you and your home’s interiors from the elements. However, when your roof is in need of repairs, you are jeopardizing your home structure, the interiors, and most importantly, you are jeopardizing your family’s safety.

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How Hail Damage Can Affect Your Commercial Roof

Your commercial roofing keeps everything together. It is a critical component of your building’s structure. Hail damage can cause significant problems that lead to internal problems that can become costly if you ignore them.

At Intelligent Design Corp, we have found that there are a few problems that could result from hail damage that you should be aware of in advance. By knowing what to look for you can take measures to prevent to eliminate the problem before it becomes exacerbated.

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