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Posts Tagged 'remodeling'

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Why Winter Is the Perfect Time of Year for New Doors and Windows

During the winter months, the last thing that may be on a homeowners’ mind is installing new doors and windows; however, this is the best time of year to do so. Beyond having a fresh, new look for spring, our team at Intelligent Design Corp has found a host of benefits to installing new doors and replacement windows in the winter, including the following:

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Design Trends to Try in 2021

From graduation parties to family gatherings, it’s finally time to prepare your home for all of the exciting events life has to offer. After a slow year of minimal visitations and plans, your home is likely due for some improvements. With summer in full swing, there has never been a better time to take on a remodeling project and get your space in line with all of the latest trends.

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Remodeling and Restoration Definitions and Differences

If you've ever had the misfortune of needing restoration work or the excitement of having home renovations conducted, you may have wondered exactly what is the difference between the two. The same contractor generally can do either as the jobs seem similar and require the same talents and tools, but they're generally referred to using different terminology. There are, however, some nuances between types of contract work.

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