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Posts Tagged ' fire damage'

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How to Choose a Disaster Restoration Company

Following a disaster, the last thing you want to deal with is a disaster restoration company that can’t handle your recovery. You want a team of professionals who are ready to get to work after they assess the extent of the damage. At Intelligent Design Corp (IDC), we want that for you too. To help you determine the restoration company that’s perfect for you, we’ve created the list below.

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How to Choose a Disaster Restoration Company

Following a disaster, the last thing you want to deal with is a disaster restoration company that can’t handle your recovery. You want a team of professionals who are ready to get to work after they assess the extent of the damage. At Intelligent Design Corp (IDC), we want that for you too. To help you determine the restoration company that’s perfect for you, we’ve created the list below.

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Remodeling and Restoration Definitions and Differences

If you've ever had the misfortune of needing restoration work or the excitement of having home renovations conducted, you may have wondered exactly what is the difference between the two. The same contractor generally can do either as the jobs seem similar and require the same talents and tools, but they're generally referred to using different terminology. There are, however, some nuances between types of contract work.

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Damage Repair for Your Home

As much time and effort as you put into taking care of your home as a comfortable space for your family on a daily basis and to maintain a welcoming invitation for friends and guests, there are occasions in which situations outside of your control can cause damage which has to be repaired. Whether the damage your home suffers is minor or entails major renovations as repairs, an experienced contractor can guide you through the process of home repair with the minimum of worries until your house is like new again.

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