Intelligent Design Blog - Roofing, Maple Grove | All posts archived in 'July 2016' — Page
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From monthly archives: July 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'July 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Damage Repair for Your Home

As much time and effort as you put into taking care of your home as a comfortable space for your family on a daily basis and to maintain a welcoming invitation for friends and guests, there are occasions in which situations outside of your control can cause damage which has to be repaired. Whether the damage your home suffers is minor or entails major renovations as repairs, an experienced contractor can guide you through the process of home repair with the minimum of worries until your house is like new again.

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Bringing New Life to Your Home

Every home ages over time and requires the assistance of a professional contractor to renew and invigorate the house as if it were a new building. Renovations and remodeling are likely ongoing projects as you customize an older home with modern innovations. Although the interior is the area you see ad use every day, the exterior is the curb appeal which brings value to the home and provides a welcome to guests as they arrive.

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Remodeling versus Restoration: What's the Difference?

If you’ve ever considered the charm which comes with the possibility of owning an older home, you’ve heard other owners and professionals alike refer to renovations and restorations. The layman typically confuses the words, as they generally involve similar processes while technically detailing different approaches to a job which appears the same until the reasons for the project are explored. Remodeling projects, restoration jobs, and home renovations each apply to industry jargon as the terms are defined by contract specialists as they determine how to approach an upcoming building proposal.

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