To protect your home from the outside elements, contractors add insulation throughout top, bottom, and sides of the structure. Insulation provides a solid barrier that keeps out drafts and humidity or moisture. Attics require insulation so that there is a buffer between the sun’s heat and the inhabitable areas of the home’s interior.


The most important question that you as a homeowner can ask is what type of insulation is best for the attic in your house. Below we provide a quick guide to common attic insulation and compare each type.


Properties of Quality Insulation

Although cost or brand name may play a part in your decision making, there are specific qualities you should look for when picking out the right insulation.


R-Value. The R-Value measures how much thermal heat, air, or water can pass through an inch of insulation. The higher the number, the greater the insulation’s ability to inhibit the flow of elements. The range usually runs from 3.1 value per inch to 8.0 per inch.


Durability. Attic insulation is so well made that it has the ability to outlast a house it was installed in. Regardless of what type of insulation you install, it will last anywhere from 50 to 100 years.


Repair/Maintenance. Although insulation seems to last forever, you will have to maintain it from time to time. This is where you’ll want to calculate long-term costs versus the initial investment.


Bottom-Line Costs. How much money will you spend on insulation materials, installation supplies, and labor?


Common Types of Insulation


Blanket: Batts and Rolls


  • Made of: fiberglass, plastic fibers, or natural fibers.
  • Installation method: large rolls or batts
  • R-Value: 2.9-4.3
  • Life expectancy: 100 years, ‘life of the building’


Foam Board or Rigid Board


  • Made of: Polyurethane or polystyrene
  • Installation method: large boards of varying sizes and thickness
  • R-Value: 3.8-6.5
  • Life expectancy: 100 years, ‘life of the building’


Loose-fill / Blown-in


  • Made of: cellulose, fiberglass, mineral
  • Installation method: evenly distributed across the attic via an industry-grade blower
  • R-Value: 3.1-3.9
  • Life expectancy: 100 years, ‘life of the building’


Spray Foam


  • Made of: Polyurethane, Polyisocyanurate
  • Installation method: evenly distributed across the attic floor or walls via an industry-grade sprayer
  • R-Value: 5.1-8.0
  • Life Expectancy: 80 years


Intelligent Design can Help You with Your Insulation Needs

If you have further questions about which insulation material is best for your home, then contact Intelligent Design today. We offer a wide range of insulation services including complete installation, insulation repair, and full insulation replacement. Call us at 763-315-0745 and let us know how we can help you with your upcoming insulation project.